Original Comics

2006-present | web/print | Jadine Rhine Studios

Legendary Beings Ara & Celi is about a young girl, Miyara, who is chosen to be the successor to a specific line of Angels – headed by none other than Ara–and with it, duties that extend beyond the physical world. Only one problem: Miyara has no desire to do the job! What will happen then, especially with Celi, Ara’s counterpart, is intent on causing chaos in her life?!
Printed individual issues are currently not for sale online or at conventions. The first issue was previously distributed by Emerald Comics Distribution. You can buy DRM-free downloadble PDFs at the following places:

2015-present | web/print | Jadine Rhine Studios

DELILAH AND THE WARCHICKS, a heavy punk metal (fictional) band project. Features band bios, discographies and video comics.
Printed minicomics are currently not for sale online or at conventions. (We also haven't checked our stock...) You can buy DRM-free downloadble PDFs at the following places:

2013-present | web/print | Jadine Rhine Studios

A collection of two short stories involving ghosts and detectives in the future.
Neither is a prequel or a sequel to the other--but both share the notion of an identity hidden until the time is right for revelation. They are both part of Le Bel Inconnu…the (not) Fair Unknown.
Has been expanded to become the line for all of NAAN's short stories. Latest one is E: A 24 Hour Comic.
Printed individual issues are currently not for sale online or at conventions. You can buy DRM-free downloadble PDFs at the following places: