This is almost more like a repository than a normal links page. I've decided to link you all to my pals, some neat artists, and some resources that I used for this site and for my work! I hope you all enjoy!
Please be advised that some of these links contain mature material. I will note them to the best of my ability, and urge you to exercise your best gut instinct towards them. Do not blame me if you decide to visit them and then get mad about the content. You were warned!
Link To Us || Links Out || Links Exchange || Fonts || Resources
Link To Us
Please download and save these onto your own server!
I'll make better ones eventually, have these old ones in the meantime.
Jadine Rhine Studios -->

NAAN's other places

-- the comic collective I founded and belong to!
Links Out
This needs to be a bigger list because I am still too tired and would like to link to my friends, acquaintances and cool people properly. Please enjoy the quickround links, meanwhile.
Check out my pals! -- great resources and tutorials from Kabocha!
-- in lieu of a portfolio site, have OgawaBurukku's comic! Warnings include but are not limited to non-sexual nudity and violence.
Kata Kane -- makes the lovely Altar Girl!
Niina Eveliina -- makes the awesome Numb comic!
XII by K Kiomall Evans -- in lieu of a portfolio site, have Batichi's comic! Warnings include but are not limited to violence, language and some sexual situations.
O Sarilho by Shizamura -- in lieu of a portfolio site, have Shiza's comic! Also available in Portuguese. Per the site, the warnings include "Epilepsy Warning for gifs & animated pages, Body horror, gore, mutilation, limb loss and wounds in general, Zombies/Undead/Decomposing people, War and Portugal."
Vermillion Works - comics and artwork by Sarah Nelson -- highly recommend her Daniel and The Devil's Trill comics! Per her own site, due to their specialization in horror and dark drama, warnings include: "graphic violence, mild (mostly suggestive) sexual content, adult language, horror imagery and other potentially sensitive subject matter."
Jojo Seames -- highly recommend their The Makeshift Man comic! The comic has a list of content warnings here. Many of their works are perfectly fine for browsing online, but as some of their interests involve horror, you may see some works for the genre that range from G to PG13.
Oli McGlory -- highly recommend their Conduit comic! Many of their works include body horror,
Tina Pratt -- makes the great The Paul Reveres comic!
Jessica H. Voice -- makes the bombastic Love Metal comic!
Artyom Trakhanov -- great art, great comics and great sense of design and comicking style/history. If you need recs, I dig his Slavic Nihilism.
Nick Wright -- his work may contain some sexy stuff, but fun style of art!
Artists I also like, who aren't my pals!
-- mature works! If you like villains, go here! They make very cool zines, I like their The Box of Doom zine the best.
-- mature works! Be advised for anything lol. I'm a loser though, I quite like his diary comics more often than not.
-- may contain mature works! Comickers behind the amazing SUPERPOSE comic. I wish I could paint like them lol
-- SCUMSUCK has some great work, a lot of it for mature audiences. I adore the inking the most. SCUMSUCK has a lot of links to do a whole deep dive for a day, and a couple of my own resources come from SCUMSUCK's own resource link! Aradia Collective also appears as a recommended link on the Links page, straight out of the blue, and for that, I am forever grateful.
Andriy Lukin -- amazing design work, truly a talent to behold. I wish I could be that good. They make designing look super easy.
MAPPAPAPA -- a site filled with all sorts of fannish works by ✦/spillingdown. I'm primarily linking them because I dig their art. They way they ink gives me old school vibes of my childhood. The site also has sections in Spanish, for all of us fellow Spanish speakers lol. Per their site, warnings include but are not limited to "sexual themes, violence, and visually and thematically grotesque art."
Nakata "Knack" Whittle -- some very lovely work! I like their expression work, and they have pretty neat coloring!
Links Exchange
If you are interested in exchanging links and banners (or yelling at me “HEY I HAVE IMAGE BANNERS, YOU SCHMUCK, PUT ‘EM UP”), merely send an email to naan AT jadinerhinestudios DOT com to start the convo!
I have this section separate from below because 1) I'm a font hound and 2) it's pretty big already and I always go immediately to the fonts section of any artist's resource site. So why not just have it separate?!
All my links are legal venues, even the free ones. Whoever tells you to never use free fonts because they suck and every single one is done by amateurs is either stuck in the 1990s or classist, as many people who offer free fonts nowadays are actual professional graphic designers themselves. (Not to say that there aren't amateur font-makers but they may be a minority now? Ironic, ain't it!)
Remember to note the different licenses for fonts and font formats. Usually what works for Windows (TTF and OTF) doesn't work for Macs (OTF) and vice versa. Here are some primers for you to know more:
- OTF vs. TTF Fonts: What’s the Difference?
- The Font Wars
- A complete guide to font licensing for designers
- SIL Open Font License
- The MIT License
- Creative Commons licenses
- GPL font exception, a subset of the GNU General Public License
- License Amicale
- TL;DR: if a font is licensed under SIL Open License, downloaded from Google Fonts, or the site itself says that the font can be used for both personal and commercial use, then the font/s in question is/are okay for a free-for-all.
JoeBob Graphics -- this is where I bought the font used for Legendary Beings Ara & Celi's logo so many years ago!
Typodermic Fonts -- some of my all time favorite fonts come from here! They include 1980 Portable, Manbow, and Propaniac. Founded by Ray Larabie, these include a mixture of paying and free fonts, with the prices being very fair for the former. I'd like to lead you to the page where you can download free commercial use fonts and public domain fonts, in one batch respectively.
KImberly Geswein -- another classic font maker from ye olde internet! I often quite like her fonts for special effects or signage in comics.
Blambot -- the ever premier font site for comickers! Mix of paid and free fonts, with very kind licenses for independents from Nate Piekos.
1001 Fonts -- many of the fonts uploaded are public domain or uploaded by the font designers themselves. I urge to look for the green button that says "download" to know whether a font is available for either personal or commercial use, or both! Of course, make sure to read each designer's rules!Moorstation - TypOasis -- a cornucopia of classic (and free) fonts! You will have to schedule an entire day just to go through the site. It contains lots of fonts from a lot of designers, as well as archiving those fonts of yesteryear or fonts that had disappeared form the internet. Granted, the last update was in 2004 but considering that there are fonts listed that were popular back in the halcyon days of the internet...Of particular note is that each designer listed has their own website under Moorstation or their portfolio is linked. A heavy recommendation!
Tunera Type Foundry -- free fonts offered by designers under the SIL Open License. It also very nicely offers you a chance to support these designers for their work! -- the site's a little confusing but it appears to be a font aggregator and a foundry at the same time? It offers downloads to fonts, and they either lead you to the legal proper site for it or to their own section where you really ought to read the license.
Google Fonts -- everyone say thanks google for all the legal free fonts under the SIL font license, while also hating every bit of google's guts (well-deserved)
Velvetyne -- French fonts foundry, priding itself on its plethora of libre fonts. (Basically you can use the fonts for anything, and a credit to the designer would be nice.) The site had a visual update since the last time I visited and uh, now it's a *tad* confusing and overwhelming. Throwing a lot of stuff at you. A nifty thing is that if you're away/don't move the cursor, a little "screensaver" pops up! It goes away once you start using the site, though. I like a lot of their fonts and would recommend them a lot. But again, be warned of the site navigability.
Font End Dev -- free pixel fonts! Per their license, they are able to be used for anything so long as you credit!
Loki Gwynbleidd Vintage Propaganda -- French site with free vintage fonts!
Death of Typography -- Singaporean type collective! Almost all of their fonts are pay what you can or have a free trial demo, with the complete set available for payment.
DotColon -- Japanese site with free fonts! Each font has its own font with specific licenses, a description and a link to the designer's Buy Me A Coffee.
Jonas Laugs free typefaces: Ara and Inky Hands
CubicType -- a mix of free and paid fonts!
Dungeness Font -- an interesting paid font!
ingoFonts -- an absolute smorsgabord of fonts! All the fonts are nicely organized in subsections. Almost all of the fonts are paid fonts, but there is a subsection for free fonts, which are basically a "reduced" version of the paid fonts. The site also has a German version, its native form.
Feòrag's Free Stuff (Fonts, Mostly) -- Feòrag's homesite indicates this page to be for Macintosh fonts, so keep that in mind! All of them are under the Creative Commons or SIL license, but a donation is appreciated. Please do read each font page, as each one has the specific license in mind!
JY&A Fonts -- Australian typefoundry (pioneering per their site). All of their fonts are paid fonts.
Although I have them credited in the footer below, I want to link to OwlRoost, from whom I used a template! They have neat stuff, please check them out -- though warning for language, heavy topics and other things they list.
Comics-related || Food for Thought || Code Snippets (and other Tutorials) || Tools for da Webmaking and maybe da Comicking
Ink Shrines -- "curated webring dedicated to sharing the digital homes of cartoonists and their comics." I have yet to join this ring, one of these days I'll remember to, haha.
KNIFEBEETLE -- "curated webring for longform, narrative-driven webcomics." I have yet to join this ring due to its standards (I haven't been able to be a consistent updater with my own comics) but Aradia Collective is an affiliate!
Fancomic's Corner (archived) -- "a place where aspiring doujinshi artists the world wide web over can come together as a community. This is a webring devoted solely to original online mangas or fancomics by amateur artists." Something very cool I thought while working on something for Aradia Collective! Obviously it does not exist anymore except through the Wayback Machine. And good thing it does!
Toocheke: mobile friendly CMS -- as it says on the tin! I use this for Legendary Beings Ara & Celi and man, is it so easy to follow and use. Plus, it has a bilingual function! I highly recommend it, especially if you and mobile web design are enemies.
Rarebit CMS -- open-source webcomic template, I recommend it if you have a short comic or are just starting a comic. Due to the usage of Javascript as the primary mover, it could be a little bit harder to use if you have a long form comic. But if you have the time to fix that, then godspeed! I use this for Bel Inconnu.
Food for Thought
"COMPUTERS HAS CHANGED SO MANY THINGS IN OUR LIFES AND IN THE WORLD..." -- while nowadays people correctly indicate that the internet has been pretty bad for a while, I think those of us who remember the analog life before switching to a digital life, computers and internet were held more positively. Heck, even nowadays, I think people don't realize how lucky we are to have what is now considered both a luxury and a necessity, to be able to speak to people from all over! Sometimes I can't believe I can talk to people from other countries so easily, and we have machine translation tools if we can't speak the lingua franca. I think it'd do us good to remember this once in a while and for those of us too old now, do us good to read this link and remember how it used to be, warts and all!
The Gutterotica Manisfesto -- this manifesto doesn't really apply to this site or my work lol, as it's geared more towards those who create erotic works of all kinds. But there are many quotes to mine here that I believe still apply even for "non erotic" works. After all, even some of the more sfw works in some links above still have things to warn about for readers.
I'm a [censored] webmaster -- a small thing about how we all used to make websites, and how we should go forward.
Code snippets
-- a very simple and easy to follow tutorial on how to make a website from scratch! I'll probably never use it oops, but if I were any less a coward, I'd use it!
Anything about robots.txt
Robots.txt is basically telling webcrawlers (like Google Search or Internet Archive's) to access and "save" your website for easy finding later. You can also tell the bots these services use to NOT access certain parts of the website!
You can read more here and see which ones you should use here.
Here's my robots.txt, which includes bots that are AI-happy or intent on subverting privacy. Feel free to copy everything on it, except for my sitemap lol
How to change title of the page after including header.php? -- as it says on the tin: how to make it so that each page could still have its own title, despite header.php. Very simple solution, after the fact!
Center and justify text at the same time: Code to do it (ignore span) and to fix the code
CSS Dropdown Menus -- here's the exact tester I used
How to add tooltip to an image when hovering over it, using CSS
Specifically Kalechips' Projects page where you should check their "Code projects" and "Code snippets" subsections. My guestbook is their own code given for free, and I almost came close to using one of their templates for this site! They also have a list of webhosts to consider.
How to connect your static site to RSS - -as it says on the tin can. Here's the archived version.
Responsive text wrap around an image -- how I did some of the text wrapping on some of my pages! There's also an alternative tutorial here but it's not responsive, from what I can tell. Here is another alternative code here, though I have not tested it.
Show an image thumbnail when you share your site -- you know those fancy cards that appear when you link your site anywhere online? Learn how to do your own!
The Vanilla JavaScript Repository -- a site full of Javascript plugins that are meant to be lightfast, not heavy for load. I can't remember if I used something from this LOL. But a very useful directory!
CSS Tabs Menu -- I didn't get to go ahead with this but it's a CodePen with code that spits out multiple tabs that can work on one static site. It's also responsive (aka will work nicely on mobile devices.)
Mobile Friendly Site via CSS codes -- I didn't use this much, but it is very easy to follow and understand if you're like me and consider mobile web design to be your enemy.
Pride Buttons by dime -- I like web buttons a lot, lol. These are pretty neat, mayhaps you will find use for them!
"No" Buttons by dime -- I do not know if I will use any of these buttons but I leave them here because they're neat! The buttons featured are "Anything but Chrome," "This is an Anti-NFT site", "F*** NFTs: don't make them, don't buy them" and "Powered by THE VOID."
CSS Pride Flags by David Wolfpaw -- same as the Pride buttons, just something nifty!
Tools for da Webmaking and maybe da Comicking
The Big Artist Opportunities List -- as it says on the tin, an incredibly huge site filled with listings for job opportunities for all artists. As the note in the document says, the creator of the list isn't sure why Google keeps saying the document isn't safe. It may be due to a broken link in one of the listings.
Layouts from Webmastering -- a list of all the sites that provide free templates!
Fool Lovers -- Japanese site where you can find lots of web things, including templates.
Lightbox -- the original lightbox script. It was very easy to set up when I tried it!
Nanogallery -- if you wish lightbox were easier and you also suffer from too-busy-am-always-tired-inits, then this is for you! I use this for everything now, including this site!
Tobii, an accessible, open-source lightbox with no dependencies -- I have yet to test this out but it appears very useful. Were it not for the easiness behind Nanogallery, I'd use this.
Huemint -- a color palette generator. A great tool that helps you choose color, and can even lock some so you can compare it against other colors! I used this tool for this site, thanks to my low brain juices, haha.
FontJoy: font pairing made simple -- while I believe you should test font combos yourself, so you can acquire a honed skill and gut feeling of your own, sometimes we all need a little help. I have not used this due to the aforementioned reason but seems to work pretty well, though it also appears to depend only on Google Fonts.
Color Thief -- Grab the color palette from an image using just Javascript. Can do it directly in the browser too!
Hover.CSS -- hover effects using CSS! I used this in my "Published Work" pages for the buttons.
Icons by Bootstrap -- what I used for the social media buttons near the footer!
Lazy.js: a lazy loading and mutli-serving image script -- here is the github page. This is what I'm using for my images on this site.
Color Thief -- Grab the color palette from an image using just Javascript. Can do it directly in the browser too!
CSS Gradient -- a nifty tool that helps you get the CSS code for a gradient background!
Color Stacks -- a color palette generator for design systems.